High Blood Pressure

2021 Huntsman World Senior Games Cycling – Ross and Tammy Weaver


RedefiningAging.US is a great believer in the benefit of being motivated to maintain health and fitness and Ross and Tammy are great examples of a couple who live out this truth. Ross started cycling at age 16 and motivated his wife Tammy to “Get Involved”, which is the theme of Redefining Aging and now they motivate each other.

2021 Tennessee Senior Games – Swimming – Peter Fechkeimer

2021 Tennessee Senior Games – Swimming – Peter Fechkeimer

Peter started swimming Back in High school then in college returning after retirement and has been a competitor at the senior Games for some 10 years. Now 80 Peter is a great example of "Redefining Aging" who is also a walker and doing home exercises.

Della Westbrook 2021 Senior Games Track & Field

Della Westbrook 2021 Senior Games Track & Field

Della says "Everything is about choices and not making a choice IS a choice" Della was 215 lbs and lost 45 lbs with diet and exercise. Dealing with diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure and arthritis her choices have given her victory over all these issues.

Discovery Mens Group – Steve Deharde

Discovery Mens Group – Steve Deharde

  Steve started young as an exceptional cyclist but left his passion and pursued life's challenges which resulted in weight gain, blood sugar issues, cholesterol problems, and liver problems. Rather than turning to drugs as a solution, Steve went back to his...