
2022 TN Senior Games Swimming – Betsy Hondorf


First – the 2022 Tennessee Senior Games videos were lost for several years on an external drive that from all my inquires was damaged beyond repair, so it was when I tried to send an email informing all those involved that they started to play – so sorry for this crazy delay. Betsy thinks of fitness as a “way of life” which “RedefiningAging.US” totally agrees with. Betsy strengthens her dedication by being a coach and motivating her children to follow her example.

2021 Tennessee Senior Games – Swimming – Peter Fechkeimer

2021 Tennessee Senior Games – Swimming – Peter Fechkeimer

Peter started swimming Back in High school then in college returning after retirement and has been a competitor at the senior Games for some 10 years. Now 80 Peter is a great example of "Redefining Aging" who is also a walker and doing home exercises.

2021 Tennessee Senior Games – Swimming – Phill Wells

2021 Tennessee Senior Games – Swimming – Phill Wells

  Phil uses several activities to maintain his fitness in addition to swimming which includes running, power walking, javelin, race walking, and cycling. Like others, including myself, Phil uses the Senior Games to motivate his training.

2021 Tennessee Senior Games Swimming Competition with Bill Lauer

2021 Tennessee Senior Games Swimming Competition with Bill Lauer

You'd be hard-pressed to believe that Bill was 86 when this video was filmed. As a champion swimmer with National and World titles and also as a couch Bill has wisdom is something we all should take to heart. Bill wrote a piece for Swimmers magazine wherein he said...