Fabio’s attitude is catching and I enjoy every time we meet at various competitions. Fabio is a great master athlete but even better is his love for Jesus Christ.
Fabio’s attitude is catching and I enjoy every time we meet at various competitions. Fabio is a great master athlete but even better is his love for Jesus Christ.
Allen is an amazing business owner and developer who uses running as his main physical activity.
Allen is an amazing business owner and developer who uses running as his main physical activity.
It's hard to believe that Donald is 92 years young. He's one of the poster people for "redefiningAging.US"
George exemplifies "Redefining Aging" having competed in all 27 National Senior Games over the years. His legacy continues as his daughter Sue competed along with him in the 2023 National Senior Games.
Bonnie has dealt with more than most including hip replacement, COVID, blood clots, back issues, broken ribs, and damaged vocal cords yet she will not let these challenges stop her from pursuing her passion to stay physically fit.
Walter has been dedicated to fitness since high school and you can see the results. Walter loves to stay active so he can be a blessing to his 9 grandchildren. Yoga and weight lifting are also Walter's tools for fitness and his Christian faith plays a critical...
Champion is an appropriate last name for Tom since he won 4 Gold medals in 4 events which were the Race Walk & Power Walk Tom credits his relationship with Jesus Christ as the key to his life and success on the track. Tom's inspiration is his 6 close friends...
The legacy of Robert Ray will always be part of Master Boxing.