Chris has had his share of injuries over the years and many sports he competes in, which include knee issues, back, color bone, broken leg to mention a few but that never keeps him from doing what he can physically.
Chris has had his share of injuries over the years and many sports he competes in, which include knee issues, back, color bone, broken leg to mention a few but that never keeps him from doing what he can physically.
Mary has been an athlete since a young girl even though women's athletics was not represented when she was a youth. She's enjoyed soccer and being a coach for many years
Brian and Carol are a great example of how couples encourage one other in their individual pursuit of health and fitness.
Charlie is unique in that he started his athletic journey as a high jumper at age 10, which has served him well having set World Records and more Gold medals than we can count.
RedefiningAging.US is a great believer in the benefit of being motivated to maintain health and fitness and Ross and Tammy are great examples of a couple who live out this truth. Ross started cycling at age 16 and motivated his wife Tammy to "Get Involved",...
Pat, at age 84, is the poster child for RedefiningAging.US having torn down the walls for women sports and has 4 World Records which she's sure to increase.
Scott had trouble with his knees as a runner so at 56 he turned to cycling where he has some 11 National titles and enjoys the comradery of the cycling sport. Scott also overcame prostate cancer and at 82 plans to continue cycling far into the future.
Lance has been a cyclist for many years which has allowed him to maintain his health and fitness
Durward is a legion in the cycling community with some 17 USA National Championships, numerous Gold medals in National senior Games and State Championships. If you race with Durward your likely to be looking at his back.