2022 TN Senior Olympics Track and Field – Chuck Lanza


This is crazy – I gave up on recovering the 2022 Tennessee Senior Olympics after I took my external drives twice to Best buy and joined the Geek Squad then paid for an independent data recovery service and none could recover the video. I decided to send an email to all that provided a testimony and for whatever reason they started to play. God works in mysterious ways. This video is about Chuck Lanza and I’m so sorry about the audio – I don’t know if it’s part of the overall problem or that the mic was not properly attached to the camera so it’s the camera mic that is picking up all the distraction. Chuck is an amazing athlete who competed in the Tennessee State finals in 2022, with an Achilles injury, so he could qualify for the Nationals in Pittsburg. Chuck has numerous National and State records and stated “he will keep doing this until he drops” – at age 86 when this 2022 video was done Chuck, with his physical and mental toughness will, most likely go many years into the future.